Suburban Shopping Precinct
- ~150 retail outlets
- Many different landlords (largely private individual investors, not retail property specialists, many based outside the area)
- No centre management / traders association
- High vacancy rate at start of project
- No property development despite relaxation of planning guidelines to allow more dense development in / around the precinct
- Proposed activation project supported (but not financed) by local chamber of commerce, so retailers approached individually to fund and participate (no external funding)
- Almost no involvement of landlords
- To bring local residents (and visitors from further afield) into the shopping precinct, especially at the weekend
- To encourage retailers to open longer hours at the weekend
- To achieve postive national media coverage for the precinct
- To encourage the ‘right mix’ of retailers and facilities to open in the precinct
Project Elements
- Set up website, email newsletter, app and social media channels for the precinct featuring hyperlocal news and events, including profiles of many of the retailers
- Set up regular monthly street event at the weekend, with inbuilt mechanisms to encourage attendees to visit local retailers
- Set up regular shopping voucher giveaway to reward people for signing up to email newsletter
- Regularly surveyed subscribers and locals on what types of retail outlet they would like to see in the precinct (including a ‘guerilla marketing’ campaign to maximise participation in the survey), and other local issues
- Launched ‘major event’ to attract interest outside the immediate local area
- 3 of top 5 ‘most wanted’ retailers and facilities achieved within 2 years (all 5 within 7 years)
- High engagement with large proportion of local residents
- Attraction of larger events to the area
- Substantial increase in development of residential and commercial buildings in and around the shopping precinct
- Achieved positive national TV / radio / print news coverage for the precinct at launch of ‘major event’ referenced above (and on a regular basis thereafter)
Small Suburban Shopping Centre
- <15 retail outlets
- One landlord
- Centre management present
- Nil vacancy rate
- Engaged by centre management to increase presence of centre and increase engagement of local residents with the centre (and with individual retailers within the centre)
Project Elements
- Set up website and social media channel for the centre with profiles of all tenants and ongoing social media support for them
- High engagement with large proportion of local residents
Planned Community (feasibility study)
- Engaged by community organisation to review how to encourage local residents and visitors to patronise local retail outlets
- No formal / established ‘town centre’ – retail outlets dotted around the planned community
- Commercial properties owned by individual investors
- No centre management / traders association (although strong community organisation)
- To conduct initial research and advise community organisation of potential options for retail activation
Project Elements
- Engagement with all local retailers
- Broad ranging surveys conducted of local retailers and local residents
- Production of report and detailed action plan for retail activation funding and execution
- High level of engagement of retailers and local residents in surveys
- Surveys indicated high level of support for a number of proposed activation projects amongst retailers and residents